Monday, October 20, 2008

we are talented. (By: Andy Mok)

I think it's really cool that our school gives us so many opportunities to keep ourselves busy outside of the classroom. I've attended and been part of so many different things this semester and it's kind of nice knowing that my time is being put to good use... usually. A couple of my co-bloggers wrote about iWrite. It's this club for those that like performing musical acts in front of others. There are so many talented people on campus, and I'm glad they have someplace to go where they can share their gifts with their friends. Speaking of talents, there was an art show this past week. For those of you went, how cool was it? I never knew we had so many artists in our student body. I'm not exactly sure who hosted it and such but I know Tessa (one of our other wonderful bloggers) had a lot to do with it.

The pictures above are from an entry in the competition from a couple of good friends (good job Jenny and Kayla). I was kind of bummed for them that they didn't win anything. But then again, I'm sort of a sore loser. I would've named it SUPER AWESOME GRAND WINNER OF THE COMPETITION if I were in charge.

I'm in one of those pictures so if you didn't notice, go back and look again because that's important.

This upcoming week is filled with midterms for most people. As a seasoned college student, I am going to fill you in on some good news. Ready? It's all down hill from here. Yep. After midterms, professors totally slack off and as a result we do too. Just kidding. That's not true. Well the part about us slacking might be true. I can't say for sure but the mixture of post-midterm relief and the number of vacations and holidays that are to follow might have something to do with it. Just watch and see. Pumpkins will come and go, turkeys will come and go, and Andy will... graduate.


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