Saturday, September 13, 2008

My last "First Week of School" (By: Megan Michael)

Alas, I have finally embarked on the thing I have coveted the most since my early childhood. Well, technically not since early childhood. In all honesty, my early childhood dream was actually to become a member of the Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers. I always thought I could be an honorary 7th member, maybe the Purple Ranger? I think I look nice in purple. Anyway, as I was saying, at last I have reached a milestone in my life, one of which I have dreamt of for so long. My last "First Week of School". I'll type that one out again and just let you soak it up. My LAST "First Week of School". Can you believe it?

Since I was 16, I've thought to myself, "Self, what will your last 'First Week of School' feel like?" Trust me, it feels as marvelous as I had imagined. I just feel so ridiculously positive about this year, and I am really only focused on one thing: making my last year at CBU count! I've made a personal vow to participate in all of the fun things coming up on campus this year; for example, iWrite (a student-made club that offers Open Mic night every Wednesday) or Sushi Day (which is every Tuesday in the ADC). This is also my chance to dive back into all the hobbies I had my freshman year. Call it a quarter-life crisis perhaps, but I really want to feel that spontaneity I had that year. You know, back when senior projects and grad school applications were not in my vocabulary.

Now, is the time for me and the rest of the senior class, to seize the day, sign up for some intramural sports, and hug Wanda extra tight because these chances won't be around forever. Someday soon our last "Last Week of School" will commence and then where will we be? Wow, such a scary question! Believe it or not one day in the very near future we'll be cooking our own meals, paying off student loans and reminiscing about the days when the hardest part of life was trying to find a parking spot near our apartment. I can't stress enough the importance of enjoying what time we have left here on campus because one day these moments will simply be memories. They'll be history. So we have to remember to treasure these moments. Since, sometimes the most important history is the history we're making today.

Whoa! Sorry about that. I didn't mean to get so emotional on the topic, perhaps it's another symptom of that quarter-life crisis I was talking about. Needless to say, I simply wanted to reiterate how certain I am that this will be the coolest year yet, and not just because our apartment's thermostat is locked at 75 degrees.

Meggie Michael

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